a) Ilustrations: First of all we have to take into account what is illustration? and how it can affect the students.
It is a displayed visualization form presented as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that is created to elucidate or dictate sensual information (such as a story, poem or newspaper article) by providing a visual representation graphically.
So, These important because it shows how the students can make headway through their memory and gain their attention, if they can visualize the pictures so they can answer its meaning and a brief definiton about it.
c) Definitions: Obviously it is very important because we have to learn to define all what we know and investigate all what we don't about a definition, the definition is a passage that explains the meaning of a term ( a word, phrase or other set of symbols) and it is divided in 2 steps:
Genre: It is the term for any category of literature or other forms of art or culture, it means that it is common with some other genre similars, for example:
A pen A pencil

These are both "a instrument to write" so these are both the same "Genre".
Specif difference: It is the difference that must exist between an object and another, it's what allow a individual definition about something.

A pen: It is a instrument to write ( Genre)
It's a long thin wooden object with a sharp black or other coloured point, made from a type of carbon, at one end.
( its Specific difference).

A pencil: It is a instrument to write ( Genre)
It's a long thin object used for writing or drawing with ink. ( Specific difference).
2. Are there techniques that are particularly appropriate for the presentation of certain types of words?
Yes, there are. I think Illustration is a process for the beginning of our students as children ( basic) and may be a brief definition between children who is 12-13 who learn about descriptions as places, animals, clothes, etc... , and some definitions and descriptions for the wilingness between teenagers ( which can understand a long definition) according to the vocabulary and their own skills.
3. Are there techniques which are likely to be more, or less, appropriate for particular learner populations (young/adult, beginner/advances, different background cultures)?
Sure, because we have to take into account that people into a classroom we're going to teach and use own methods according to level that they have , and their cultures.
I think that it depends on according to their ages and their own progress about a second language.
Illustrations are more likely for students who are children and beginners because it allows a speed understanding about things.
Demostration is more likely for students who are young or adults because they are more willing to repeat a process of learning for that it becomes more easily for them and they can understand it.
Finally, Context which is less likely because it has variants function in a situation in which it can be used or it can't, but anyway it doesn't mean that the students who like english or think that english is important it's impossible to learn but to learn it must exist perseverance.
4. Do you, as an individual, find that you prefer some kinds of techniques and tend to avoid others? Which? And why?
Yes, I do. I think that I would like to use Illustrations , Examples and Descriptions which are easier to use in the students and they can participate and motivate I also want to considerate Dictation because there are a lot of students who have many problems about writing and differencec with its pronuounciation, anyway I think that The least important is that the students never have to traslate sentences in a class because it's the worst that a teacher can do.
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